There was so much to learn from this new world. They had some sort of fishing boat that allowed them to catch baby Krakens and they named it Oka-puse. Strange Allistar thought. He looked at his own metal framed watch on his hand. Around Four o'clock. It was getting late and the Wise guardian Faramond was beginning to become impatient.The four remaining heroes weren't there yet, and Allistar wondered if they had to be RESTRAINED? or FOUGHT? He was beginning to worry himself. What actually took that long to bring them to this world. Pomegranate and Stormie were becoming restless and were led by the butler to the stables which just around the corner from the castle itself.
"Have you heard of spider man?" Icarus asked.
" So in your world, you eat baby Krakens, and HAVE SPIDER MEN?" Allistars eyes widened. "After the quest i must see your village"
Icarus sighed and pulled out his iPhone and started to play games.
"Whats that" Allistar stared with interest... it was a flat screen and he could move it with his touch... this could only mean one thing. "SORCERY!!!" he shouted as he tackled Icarus for his peculiar device.
"HEY I'M ONLY PLAYING ANGRY BIRDS" Icarus shouted trying to push the weight of a 23 year old man off him.
"That.. thing! IT IS SORCERY! A LOVE SPELL!! ENCHANTING YOU TO PLAY IT FOREVER" Allistar pointed it with a strong believer like facial expression.
"I thought you weren't rich enough" Kai said.
"No , i sorta found it."
"Or did it find you" said Allistar all mystical and witch like. It kinda looked a bit funny but you could see in his eyes he wasn't joking.
"Do you like hate mages or something"
"Of course, they are all corrupt"
"Not all of them i mean some are nice"
"Well i was once shot with an electric like prod from my maids finger" Allistar said defiantly.
"It was probably static"
"What is static..." asked Allistar. The things these people knew were so advanced.
"Oh my god.Medieval times sure was one of the most clueless time" Icarus sighed
"You Christian too?"
"No but ill teach you about evolution" Kai said. She looked rather eager to explain her knowledge.
"Evolution? Interesting, go on kiddo"
Kai began to teach Allistar about evolution, it seemed much more realistic than his Christianity belief. Except for one thing. We came to be from monkeys.
"So god changed us from monkeys?"
"No evolution did"
"How can evolution just do this"
"I'm not a scientist"
"Whats a scie-"
"Oh hell..."
After heaps of explaining from both Kai and Icarus, Allistar and Scarlette have learnt far more things. Things such as what a spider man is, what a scientist was, iPhone is a communication device and not sorcery,Evolution and one of Allistars favourites, baby Kraken were called Oka-puse.
Allistar was keen to tell them what he knew, but Icarus said he already read what medieval times people did at his school.
"You guys chop of peoples body parts in order to save them from fever" he said.
"Yes, in order to get rid of the devil" explained Allistar
"But the person dies"
"They die because the devil has already corrupted them and god decides to end their life"
"Remember what Kai taught you about evolution?" Icarus said.
"Yes but god is still a big part of me and you weren't there to see the Monkeys become us lad"
"I know but its a pretty good theory"
"-and before you ask let me explain what a theory is"
It was getting late, Icarus seemed rather tired and out of breath from explaining. The heroes were now in a sort of small living room with bean bags and cushions of all sizes.These were piled up in front of the little fire place.The living room had doors all around it that led to their rooms and bathrooms. Two rooms, each for four people. The butler had said who's bed was who's. The princess was rich and had each given them a king sized double bed to return to after an exhausting day of eating oka-puse and learning about each others life-styles and beliefs. Allistar was tired and he saw his sister had already changed into her new lace night dress and had fallen asleep to the bed on his left. He sat up in the soft mattress wondering what to do. Icarus was on the right and was reading with strange things in front of his eyes.
Allistar stared at the things that seemed to be made of glass in front of his eyes. Icarus must had sensed a question coming because he quickly replied.
"Their glasses, my people use them to read"
"A cure to blindness, facinating"
"Not a cure just something to assist"
"Lad , I've never learnt so much in my life."
"Goodnight Allistar" Icarus said in a rather tired voice.
"Jolly night lad"
The lights went off. There was a small squeal as Allistar quickly re-lit his bedside candle to see what was happening. It had appeared Kai had a night mare and was being comforted by Icarus.
"Is she alright?" Allistar asked.
"I'm not sure, she wont tell me what its about, probably just missing her home"
Scarlette had walked over and sat on a side of Icarus's bed.
"Whats wrong?" Scarlette whispered.
Kai was murmuring something strange as she sat on Icarus's lap. Then she fell asleep overwhelmed by some sort of stress.
"Well we all better get some sleep, tomorrow were going to meet the rest of the heroes" Scarlette said. still rather concerned for Kai.Everyone went back to their beds to sleep, except for Kai who stayed next to Icarus for comfort. There was something about Kai's bed that wasn't right. Allistar was beginning to think a witch had cursed her bed but remembered not all strange events were because of sorcery. He went back to sleep hoping nothing was wrong.
Saturday, 3 September 2011
Friday, 2 September 2011
Story (Claire #6)
Kai Tyrathem and Icarus Johnson
Kai rather enjoyed the octopus. It was something that she had often back at home. In fact, she had tasted almost every seafood dish in her own world. Granted the octopus was prepared and cooked rather differently than was she was used to, it was adequate. She ate all that was on her plate but she ate slowly, much unlike Icarus, Allistar and Scarlette. Her master had told her that it was unhealthy to each too much food and one must learn discipline to learn the techniques of the blade.
Icarus raised his eyebrows at Kai’s rather small appetite. He decided not to push her to eat but he wondered what she was thinking about. Trying to push his mind away from that subject, he turned back to Allistar. What on earth did this person know about? Coming from different times was difficult. Allistar probably didn’t know who Spiderman was or why people wore school uniforms. He sighed. He was feeling a little homesick – missing his friends, his own cooked meals (mostly consisting of instant noodles) and the suburban streets he had taken for granted. Then again… this place had adventure and that was something he needed dearly.
As they continued eating, more dishes were brought out and it seemed as though there was a never ending cascade of food. There was so much food piling up (although Allistar seemed to clear it at the same rate as it was being brought out) that the four almost didn’t notice two others entering the room.
Maylene Salavian and Tobias Richards
Maylene cleared her throat, attempting to get the attention of the Heroes at the table. She knew that their journey had been tiring and long but being the First Princess of Syania, it was her duty to look after them. Her father had already sent Kato to attend to them but she still felt that obligation. Tobi who stood next to her, winked in encouragement. She blushed. He banged his K’rik onto the dining table and yelled, “Oi. Listen to her highness when she wants to talk, alright you runts?”
Tobi grinned at Maylene but she looked less than pleased. “Ahem. Well, you Heroes probably don’t know this but I am Syania’s First Princess and it is my job to handle affairs such as this. My father is away on business trying to sort this catastrophe out and well, I am the one who’s left. I can see you’ve already met my little sister – the Second Syanian Princess.” she said, motioning to her sister who sat at the end of the dining table.
Tobi sighed. She was as formal as always. Couldn’t she loosen up a bit? It was bad for a teenager like her to be so uptight. “To get to the main topic, I’m guessing the Elders were as elusive as always when they tried to explain the situation to you, yes?” she asked them.
They nodded and she continued. “It would be redundant to tell you all the details but I have an obligation to tell you what is going on. A long story short – you will be fighting in a war for the sake of all the worlds that exist and all they contain. A powerful book was stolen and if the powers of this book are used for the powers of evil, everything would destruct and turn to nothing. This is not only a problem in Syania, but a problem everywhere. You and another four were chosen to fight. That is enough for now. I bid you farewell and I’ll leave you in the hands of my trusted friend and butler Auvray, as well as my younger sister, Monika.”
With that, Maylene quickly left the room.
Toby honestly didn’t know what to do with her. She used to be that carefree little girl and now she had turned into… an old uptight grandma. He wanted to help her but he didn’t know what to do. All he could do for now was watch over her and make sure she overstress. “Wait up May!” he called before also exiting.
Story (Krissy#6)
Scarlette and Allistar
" A Butler" Scarlette gasped. How wonderful,it almost reminded her of home. She remembered the scattering of slaves around the castle , in their plain white clothes. She grabbed the bell off Allistar's hand and shook it. Immediately the butler came.
"Could i get lunch, I'm hungry"
"Indeed, please come this way"
As Scarlette followed him she realised Allistar, Kai and Icarus were following too. Clutching their stomachs like hungry beggars, except with nice clothes.
The butler led them into a magnificent room with eight glistening chandeliers and a long wooden table that was finely cut and glazed. A short stubby little girl around the age of 9 greeted/screeched to them. She wasn't sure which, but the kid said something. It sounded a bit like a agitated parrot with a brain tumour.
"WEEELLLLLLLL-come HEEEEEEEEEEE-roes" the young girl screeched.
Kai and Icarus stared at each other covering their ears.
"Blimey, ain't she a screechy one" Allistar commented as they sat on the eight seated table. Kai and Icarus on one side, Allistar and Scarlette on the opposite side. The young girl sat on the short side of the long rectangular table and start screeching a few noises to the cooks. They came out with a huge bowl of... some sort of sea creature.
"Octopus?" Icarus said.
"MOTHER OF MARY ITS A KRACKEN'S BABY!" Allistars eyes widened in fear.
"No you silly, its an octopus" Icarus replied. "I keep forgetting we are all from different times"
"So you call this...Oka-puse" Allistar said uneasily.
Icarus started to laugh "Yeahs. What ever your comfortable with"
They began to eat this... Octopus. Especially Allistar who ate more then what he should have. He ended up being bloated, and he snapped one of the legs off the expensive dining room chairs he was sitting on.
"Ah well theyll just have to repair it" The butler sighed.
"Can i get more Oka-puse?" Allistar asked.
" A Butler" Scarlette gasped. How wonderful,it almost reminded her of home. She remembered the scattering of slaves around the castle , in their plain white clothes. She grabbed the bell off Allistar's hand and shook it. Immediately the butler came.
"Could i get lunch, I'm hungry"
"Indeed, please come this way"
As Scarlette followed him she realised Allistar, Kai and Icarus were following too. Clutching their stomachs like hungry beggars, except with nice clothes.
The butler led them into a magnificent room with eight glistening chandeliers and a long wooden table that was finely cut and glazed. A short stubby little girl around the age of 9 greeted/screeched to them. She wasn't sure which, but the kid said something. It sounded a bit like a agitated parrot with a brain tumour.
"WEEELLLLLLLL-come HEEEEEEEEEEE-roes" the young girl screeched.
Kai and Icarus stared at each other covering their ears.
"Blimey, ain't she a screechy one" Allistar commented as they sat on the eight seated table. Kai and Icarus on one side, Allistar and Scarlette on the opposite side. The young girl sat on the short side of the long rectangular table and start screeching a few noises to the cooks. They came out with a huge bowl of... some sort of sea creature.
"Octopus?" Icarus said.
"MOTHER OF MARY ITS A KRACKEN'S BABY!" Allistars eyes widened in fear.
"No you silly, its an octopus" Icarus replied. "I keep forgetting we are all from different times"
"So you call this...Oka-puse" Allistar said uneasily.
Icarus started to laugh "Yeahs. What ever your comfortable with"
They began to eat this... Octopus. Especially Allistar who ate more then what he should have. He ended up being bloated, and he snapped one of the legs off the expensive dining room chairs he was sitting on.
"Ah well theyll just have to repair it" The butler sighed.
"Can i get more Oka-puse?" Allistar asked.
Story (Claire #5)
Kato Auvray
Kato fixed his gloves and withdrew a deep breath. The Council of Elders had relieved him from his duty of serving the princess. They had instead, assigned him to the new Heroes that had just arrived. There were only four Heroes so far, but he would be supervising all of them. To be honest, he was a little sad. He had known the princess all his life and they were close friends. But because of the theft of the third Tome, he knew he was at no place to complain.
Kato pushed open the glistening doors (which he had cleaned a little before the arrival of the Heroes) of one of the many reception rooms. The Heroes were quite young – two around his age and another two were much younger. The younger boy appeared to be smiling and he hoped they were getting along well. It would make his job much easier. The four seemed to be surprised by his sudden entrance and he gave them a warm smile.
“Good day Heroes. I am Auvray and I am your supervisor as well as your butler. It is a pleasure to be in your service.” Kato said, performing a little bow. He made sure to keep his emotions in check and to also have a kind smile on his face. To look hostile to the powerful Heroes would to be wishing for death. He noticed the youngest girl in the room seemed to be injured. What had happened while he was off bidding his farewells to his previous master? “Please allow me to help you madam.” he suggested, offering his arm. The girl turned away. He did not protest. Instead, he turned to the eldest of them all (a tall man who seemed to be a little older than him) and gave him a bell. “If you ever need me, please ring the bell. Please do not be worried that I won’t be able to hear you. Even if you’re in another world, I will come to you.” he said with a small smile. Exiting the room, he thought he did rather well.
Story (Krissy #5)
Necrophyles - Evan Malice

Evan stood in the centre of his shadow like castle, reading a recent letter from his master. "What is this, master has commanded me to get rid of two children and young adults?" he stared. Evan had military experience, and he knew that his necromancers were to young to fight just yet, he needed some bombs to ignite the castle door before his necromancers to get in, and who better then the Carnevale' to assist him on this mission. But first, he'd have to target the Heroes weaknesses.

Evan stood in the centre of his shadow like castle, reading a recent letter from his master. "What is this, master has commanded me to get rid of two children and young adults?" he stared. Evan had military experience, and he knew that his necromancers were to young to fight just yet, he needed some bombs to ignite the castle door before his necromancers to get in, and who better then the Carnevale' to assist him on this mission. But first, he'd have to target the Heroes weaknesses.
Story (Claire #4)
Kai Tyrathem and Icarus Johnson
Kai managed to drag her body back to Icarus before falling limply to the ground. Not only did his strings seem to control her, but they also seemed to drain her energy. What on earth was he? He smiled at her like an innocent teenage boy. He was definitely hiding an immense amount of power though. As he and the other male in the room started chatting, she realised that she hadn’t really had a chance to look at the others in the room. Icarus had light and tousled brown hair which seemed to stick out in every direction. His eyes were a bright crimson and his skin was quite pale. The man had dark hair and dark eyes. His hair stuck up in a weird way that reminded her of the chickens back at home. The girl also had dark hair, but her eyes were a blood red. They all looked different.
Icarus exchanged pleasantries and small talk with the other man in the room. It was true – he was quite good at sewing and knitting but he only did it because he wasn’t that rich. He lived on bare necessities but since his school required a uniform, he just copied it and made one himself. It wasn’t exactly a hobby for him or anything. “Anyway, I suppose we should introduce ourselves seeing as we’ll be together, I’m guessing, a lot often now.” he smiled.
“My name is Icarus Johnson. Pleased to meet you.”
Kai who had managed to crawl back over to him remained silent. He gave her a small nudge and an encouraging smile. He bent down. “C’mon Kai… listen… I’m sorry about doing that stuff to you before but it won’t benefit you if you fight.”
She turned her head away but muttered, “Kai.”
He sighed. It wasn’t much of an introduction but it was something. He guessed that she would be angry at him anyway.
Kai was angry at herself. She knew that she should be the one to apologise to Icarus since he was only trying to stop her for the sake of herself and yet she had gone on a killing rampage. If she wanted to get home, she would have to be polite and nice. At this point, those elderly men would hate her and would never let her get what she wanted. She gritted her teeth. She would try to be… friendly. “That is… I’m Kai Tyrathem, daughter of Lucian Tyrathem.”
Story (Krissy #4)
"So plain" he said.
"You know, i don't get what ya mean by different worlds"
" I think the old man means we each come from a universe"
"Whats a universe?"
"...the world is a sphere and lots of differen-"
"The world isn't a sphere, its flat" Allistar insisted. He came from the medieval times so he really wasn't up to date with astronomy.
The young girl had stopped struggling in the boys arms and stared at Allistar.
"The moon is a sphere, don't you think the earth should be the same? She said.
"No, every morning god creates the sun then creates the moon" Allistar replied stubbornly. He would not accept someone telling him that the world was a sphere.
"God isn't-" she began but was immediately shushed by the boy next to her.
"So we wait for the other so called heroes" Scarlette said as they all sat down on the floor staring in to blank space like bored toy less children. The boy had began to show Allistar and Scarlette tricks with his strings. Allistar was quite amazed and was assured by the boy it was not sorcery.
"Where did you find such a fine coat young lad"
"I made it" he replied.
"Ah, the son of a seamstress, fine talent"
"No i just do it as a hobby, fun making shirts"
"Could you make me some clothes?"
"I can't be bothered"
"I thought you said it was fun"
"Requires a lot of work though"
The conversation went on about different types of fabric and sewing techniques. Allistar thought he was beginning to make a new friend. He found this young boy very useful. Could sew, could entertain people with puppetry and Allistar thought he could make a man out of this teenage puppeteer.
Allistar started at the boy with the yarn. "Hey you're a puppeteer, Ive read about your kind in demon books, i never knew it was real... do all puppeteers wear professional like clothing like you?"
Allistar began to compare his white loose shirt and his rather dark brown pants with the puppeteers clothing. His own clothes seemed to look rather pathetic next to the smartly coated young man. The boy stared at Allistars clothing with a strange look on his face."So plain" he said.
"You know, i don't get what ya mean by different worlds"
" I think the old man means we each come from a universe"
"Whats a universe?"
"...the world is a sphere and lots of differen-"
"The world isn't a sphere, its flat" Allistar insisted. He came from the medieval times so he really wasn't up to date with astronomy.
The young girl had stopped struggling in the boys arms and stared at Allistar.
"The moon is a sphere, don't you think the earth should be the same? She said.
"No, every morning god creates the sun then creates the moon" Allistar replied stubbornly. He would not accept someone telling him that the world was a sphere.
"God isn't-" she began but was immediately shushed by the boy next to her.
"So we wait for the other so called heroes" Scarlette said as they all sat down on the floor staring in to blank space like bored toy less children. The boy had began to show Allistar and Scarlette tricks with his strings. Allistar was quite amazed and was assured by the boy it was not sorcery.
"Where did you find such a fine coat young lad"
"I made it" he replied.
"Ah, the son of a seamstress, fine talent"
"No i just do it as a hobby, fun making shirts"
"Could you make me some clothes?"
"I can't be bothered"
"I thought you said it was fun"
"Requires a lot of work though"
The conversation went on about different types of fabric and sewing techniques. Allistar thought he was beginning to make a new friend. He found this young boy very useful. Could sew, could entertain people with puppetry and Allistar thought he could make a man out of this teenage puppeteer.
Thursday, 1 September 2011
Story (Claire #3)
Kai Tyrathem & Icarus Johnson
Kai and Icarus looked at each other before glancing back at the two other ‘Heroes’ that stood before them. They both seemed to understand the situation. These two people had no intention of befriending them. She knew she didn’t want to make friends with them either. “Well hurry up and give us the quest. My master will be wondering where I am. Isn’t it the same for you Icarus?” she asked, tugging at her sword impatiently.
Icarus shook his head and grinned. “There’s no one at home for me. This will be fun.” he said in a sing-songy way. She looked at him in disbelief. Was there really no one for him to go back to? She wondered where he had come from.
The old man that seemed like the less cranky one stood forward to talk. “Icarus was it? Well, Icarus clearly understands what is going on right now. Each of you has been brought from different worlds to this one. Well, with the exception of you two siblings that is.” he explained carefully. Kai’s mouth dropped open. She couldn’t believe that she was so slow! That would have explained why they each were wearing different types of clothes. She was wearing her usual training robe with rips, Icarus was wearing some sort of black jacket and black pants with a striped red tie and the other two were wearing some sort of weird clothes she didn’t know how to explain.
“But I need to get home! I—“ Kai started before the old man interrupted her. “Enough. I shall explain the rest when the others arrive. Keep in mind this – we will not let you leave and clearly none of you can cross dimensions. You can try and run, but this place is now hostile to strangers now that… now that that event has occurred. I have some business to attend to. Come, Xyrus.” he said, motioning the other man. They turned to leave.
Kai couldn’t take it. They were not telling her that they took her out of her own world to do… to do this! What idiots! Fools! She hated them. She loathed them. She wanted to kill them. “You think that I would really just accept this? Don’t take me for an idiot!” she yelled, unsheathing the sword in her hands, the sword on her back and the dagger in her pocket. Placing the dagger in her mouth, she lunged towards the two. Slashing at them, she tried to hit them. Even though they were old, they were good at dodging. She managed to get a few scratches on them though.
“That’s enough!” Icarus shouted. He threw his strings at her arms and wrists. Kai felt as though she wasn’t in control of her arms or hands anymore. It was like they didn’t exist. But they were there! And they were moving on their own! “What are you doing Icarus?!” she demanded, “Let me hit them! At least let them suffer the pain of losing an eye or a leg!”
Icarus pushed the strings forward and she flew straight into the wall. Blood streamed from a wound on her forehead. She was tired and she was weak. Her arms dropped and her swords fell to the floor with a clatter. “Stop controlling my arms you bastard.” she said weakly, cutting the strings with the dagger in her mouth.
The nicer elder clapped happily. “Yes, you two will do just fine.” he smiled.
Story (Krissy #3)
"Ask the ugly un kiddo" her brother responded to the rather small snappy girl.
The old man began to grumble, a bit like the sound of a dog not getting its lunch.
"Well I'm Scarlette sender field, and this is my brother Allistar" She said confidently.
"Are you two... this mans grand children?" She questioned.
The two younger children began to laugh, then shook their heads politely, although their weapons were still in defence mode. Pomegranate stood next to Scarlette and the children appeared rather interested in... a black unicorn.
"I never knew they were real" the boy pointed out.
"Wha.. whats not real boy?"
"The unicorn... and do they come in pink too?" he mocked.
"A range of colours but I'm not sure if there are any pink coloured ones that suit your taste" Scarlette responded grimly
The boy pouted and the smaller girl giggled.Scarlette turned away with a disgusted look on her face. "So, if hes not your grandparents, then who is he"
The boy and girl replied that they did not know why they were here.
"You shall wait until other heroes come" The old man snapped. "Until there are eight of you , you aren't going anywhere"
"I'm sorry? but i have to go home" Scarlette responded.
"You shall go on a quest and we will further explain when the others arrive" another old man had appeared right besides the grumpy man.
The other children had looked at each other with shock and confusion. "Even if we are going to go to a quest, my brother has forgotten a battle horse and we have no clean clothing, could we at least-"
With the snap of the gentle old mans fingers, Allistars horse appeared right next to him and their clothes were automatically changed. "We must have no delay" he proceeded.
Story (Claire #2)
Icarus Johnson
Icarus observed the building he was on top of. He was on what he believed was called a battlement. It was probably a watch tower since there was a circular room in the centre of it. Checking the room, and all around the battlement he made another observation – the castle seemed to be completely empty. Or perhaps they were all just inside. He tried looking for the door or a drawbridge and it took awhile until he finally found it.
“I’ve always wanted to do this!” Icarus giggled in delight. He got a ball of what looked like yarn from his pocket. Wrapping a few layers of the string over his hand, he got ready to sling the rest of the ball to the other battlement. As soon as he was about to throw it, he heard a piercing scream coming from the opposite direction. He needed to help whoever that person was. He threw the ball over to the battlement in the opposite direction and started swinging like Spiderman.
Kai Tyrathem
Kai was screaming as loud as she could. Well, there wouldn’t be many people who wouldn’t be shrieking their lungs out if they were dangling over the edge of a sheer building. Not to mention, at the bottom was a base of water that seemed about two metres tall and she couldn’t swim. “Help me!” she screamed.
Only seconds later, it her knight in shining armour appeared. Except he was more like a cat swinging off a ball of yarn. Nevertheless, she hoped that he was there to save her.
Luckily for Kai, he was. However, the strangest thing happened. His left arm… broke off his body and picked her up. She screamed even more. “Let go of me! Let go of me you monster!” she shrieked, hitting him on the head with the back of her sword. “Ow. That hurt!” he said, dropping her. The sensation (however strange) felt familiar to her (from training) and she gained some of her strength again. Just as she was about to use her swords to perform a technique that manipulated wind, the boy that saved her before swooped down to save her again.
“Phew. That was close!” he grinned. Kai blushed. “Uh… sorry for hitting you on the head before.” she muttered. She realised it was quite rude of her to hit someone on the head for saving her. He landed on flat ground in front of a huge door. “Um. I’m Kai Tyrathem, daughter of Lucian Tyrathem.” she introduced herself, bowing. The boy looked a bit flustered. “I’m Icarus Johnson. It’s nice to meet you I guess?” he said, a little confused.
“Do you know where we are?” Kai asked Icarus. He shook his head. “But there might be some people in there who might know.”
She nodded and slashed the door into pieces with a quick flick of her arm. They walked past a long hallway and at the end was a wide room where there was an old man and two people. She changed to a defensive stance again. Icarus did the same, only with his strings up and ready. She wondered what those strings were anyway. “Who are you people?! Why are we here?!” she demanded.
Story (Krissy #2) Entering the Castle
Allistar and Scarlette stepped in. The castle looked far more prettier then the inside, they were greeted by a rather young dwarf, who looked a bit like a flattened lemon by the roadside, but they did not comment. A much more taller and old man walked in.
"I'm so sorry sir, but my senses told me-"
"you're senses tell me your going to be sacked"
The dwarf began crying and ran off.
"You rude man, look what you've done" Scarlette said rather cautiously. She didnt know who he was but was pretty sure she could snap him in two.
Two other people walked into the room, a girl with a sword which was almost as large as her and a boy who was carrying a ball of yarn. Allistar wondered why the boy had such weird clothes, he had never seen a girl so small either.
"Who are em lil kiddies" he said.
Story (Krissy #1)
Allistar was giving Stormstrider a wash with buckets of clean water. He was wearing a rather dirty white shirt, stained with... horse crap...."Mother's not going to like this." he said rather ashamed.
He wiped his dirty hands on to his pants... ON TO HIS PANTS. "Oh hell first the shirt, now the pants..." he sighed.
Scarlette came towards him "You filthy animal, what are you doing all covered in dirt? Anyway I was going to ask you-".
"SISTER!" he shouted, and hugged her tremendously, in an effort to smudge as much dirt as possible, on her new white laced dress. A shriek followed soon after. "YOU BUM RAG!"
"So what did you need help with?" laughed Allistar.
"Well you see, Pomegranate sort of got her horn stuck in a tree..."
"Shes not pathetic." retorted Scarlette, "At least she doesn't spend her life licking her own horse."
"That's because she cant ride one, and also Stormstrider tastes quite nice." he said sarcastically.
Stormstrider was now uneasy and decided to trot off into his field, and shut the gate after giving Allistar a leery expression.
Scarlette Senderfield
"Help me - get her horn out." she said.
"Bli-mey, ain't she a fat one." Allistar replied.
Scarlette ignored the rude comments of her brother as they began to heave the unicorn, out of the tree. Then all of a sudden in a rather bright flash they appeared in front of a castle.
"Hey she doesn't know magic yet... I don't understand why..."
"You know that castle isn't a nice as ours, looks a bit shabby." remarked Allistar.
"Lets go in, maybe someone can help."
Story (Claire #1)
Kai Tyrathem
The dummy fell to the floor, unharmed. Kai had managed to knock it over but failed to damage it in any way. She seriously doubted that there was such a person – or even any magical being – that would escape unscathed after that series of blows. Still, her master insisted that she should train like that so she relented. Even though she was strong, she was only an apprentice. As she went to pick up the dummy, she noticed a glint in the corner of her eye. A sword?!
Kai spun around immediately, changing to a defensive stance. There was nothing. Could it have been her imagination? She noticed it again, this time in another direction. She turned again. This time she could definitely see the light. She could see that it was incredibly bright. She could see that it was no ordinary glint, or even the glint of a sword. She could see that it had aimed straight at her.
“Oh foolish master, this is just like batting practice to me.” Kai murmured with a sly grin on her face. She poised her sword and when it came close enough, she slashed at it. The light flickered for a moment before disappearing. She sighed. “I wish you’d prepare more challenging things than this.”
However to her surprise, the light appeared again. It begun to flicker weakly but a moment later it was strong again. She yelped in surprise but it was too late. As soon as the ball of light reached her body, it seemed to suck her into thin air.
Across all the different worlds, galaxies, dimensions, the exact same thing was happening to seven others.
Icarus Johnson
Icarus fell bottom first onto the edge of a cliff. Well it wasn't really a cliff – more like a gigantic castle. He still had his house keys in hand and he was still wearing his school uniform. What the hell had happened? He scrambled to safety before he tried to remember what events had occurred before he had been dropped onto some castle.
Well Icarus had finished school and he walked home. He helped an elderly lady cross the road and then he proceeded to walk home. When he walked home, he was opening the door when he was dropped in Narnia. How on earth did that make any sense at all?! He remembered distinctively a bright light had been hovering over his arm. Then his body felt hot and cold at once and then he landed in this… weird castle place.
Icarus supposed this is what normal people would call ‘weird’ but he wasn’t sure. Perhaps he should have asked somebody? “Lots of strange things happen I guess. After all, I don’t think I know anyone else who can control people like puppets.” he said aloud before skipping off to find someone to confide his thoughts with.
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