Friday, 2 September 2011

Story (Krissy#6)

Scarlette and Allistar

" A Butler" Scarlette gasped. How wonderful,it almost reminded her of home. She remembered the scattering of slaves around the castle , in their plain white clothes. She grabbed the bell off Allistar's hand and shook it. Immediately the butler came.
"Could i get lunch, I'm hungry"
"Indeed, please come this way"
As Scarlette followed him she realised Allistar, Kai and Icarus were following too. Clutching their stomachs like hungry beggars, except with nice clothes.

The butler led them into a magnificent room with eight glistening chandeliers and a long wooden table that was finely cut and glazed. A short stubby little girl around the age of 9 greeted/screeched to them. She wasn't sure which, but the kid said something. It sounded a bit like a agitated parrot with a brain tumour.
"WEEELLLLLLLL-come HEEEEEEEEEEE-roes" the young girl screeched.
Kai and Icarus stared at each other covering their ears.
"Blimey, ain't she a screechy one" Allistar commented as they sat on the eight seated table. Kai and Icarus on one side, Allistar and Scarlette on the opposite side. The young girl sat on the short side of the long rectangular table and start screeching a few noises to the cooks. They came out with a huge bowl of... some sort of sea creature.
"Octopus?" Icarus said.
"MOTHER OF MARY ITS A KRACKEN'S BABY!" Allistars eyes widened in fear.
"No you silly, its an octopus" Icarus replied. "I keep forgetting we are all from different times"
"So you call this...Oka-puse" Allistar said uneasily.
Icarus started to laugh "Yeahs. What ever your comfortable with"

They began to eat this... Octopus. Especially Allistar who ate more then what he should have. He ended up being bloated, and he snapped one of the legs off the expensive dining room chairs he was sitting on.
"Ah well theyll just have to repair it" The butler sighed.
"Can i get more Oka-puse?" Allistar asked.

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