Thursday, 1 September 2011

Story (Claire #1)

Kai Tyrathem

The dummy fell to the floor, unharmed. Kai had managed to knock it over but failed to damage it in any way. She seriously doubted that there was such a person – or even any magical being – that would escape unscathed after that series of blows. Still, her master insisted that she should train like that so she relented. Even though she was strong, she was only an apprentice. As she went to pick up the dummy, she noticed a glint in the corner of her eye. A sword?!

Kai spun around immediately, changing to a defensive stance. There was nothing. Could it have been her imagination? She noticed it again, this time in another direction. She turned again. This time she could definitely see the light. She could see that it was incredibly bright. She could see that it was no ordinary glint, or even the glint of a sword. She could see that it had aimed straight at her.

“Oh foolish master, this is just like batting practice to me.” Kai murmured with a sly grin on her face. She poised her sword and when it came close enough, she slashed at it. The light flickered for a moment before disappearing. She sighed. “I wish you’d prepare more challenging things than this.”
However to her surprise, the light appeared again. It begun to flicker weakly but a moment later it was strong again. She yelped in surprise but it was too late. As soon as the ball of light reached her body, it seemed to suck her into thin air.

Across all the different worlds, galaxies, dimensions, the exact same thing was happening to seven others.

Icarus Johnson

Icarus fell bottom first onto the edge of a cliff. Well it wasn't really a cliff – more like a gigantic castle. He still had his house keys in hand and he was still wearing his school uniform. What the hell had happened? He scrambled to safety before he tried to remember what events had occurred before he had been dropped onto some castle.

Well Icarus had finished school and he walked home. He helped an elderly lady cross the road and then he proceeded to walk home. When he walked home, he was opening the door when he was dropped in Narnia. How on earth did that make any sense at all?! He remembered distinctively a bright light had been hovering over his arm. Then his body felt hot and cold at once and then he landed in this… weird castle place.

Icarus supposed this is what normal people would call ‘weird’ but he wasn’t sure. Perhaps he should have asked somebody? “Lots of strange things happen I guess. After all, I don’t think I know anyone else who can control people like puppets.” he said aloud before skipping off to find someone to confide his thoughts with.

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